Under the proper conditions, it is arguably the most intensely colored species available for aquariums. An often overlooked use for this plant is as an emergent species in a paludarium or similar arrangement. SEACHEM MultiTest Nitrite & Nitrate.. ₹1,765 . 'Sao Paulo' possesses the classic rigid and upright Persicaria form and is thus amenable to being positioned in a stand of a few odd numbered stems. São Paulo é uma planta da família das Poligonaceae, podendo ser um Polygonum, a identidade do gênero não está confirmada ainda, ela foi introduzida no mercado japonês pela Rayon Vert Aquarium, um exportador japonês baseado no Brasil, e responsável pela descoberta e introdução no Hobby de muitas espécies de plantas e peixes. When kept in the right conditions, this is probably the most intensively coloured plant species currently avaiable for aquaria. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Über Wasser sind die Blätter weinrot bis purpurn. P. sp. This plant looks great in a small stand of plants surrounded by green colored plants. Know what your buying, and buy quality. 'Sao Paulo', and it has been in trade under that erroneous name, too. At present, the correct species name is still unknown. La Persicaria Sao Paulo in vitro, aussi appelée Polygonum Sao Paulo est sûrement l’une des plus belles plante rouge en aquariophilie. 0 reviews / Write a review. 'Sao Paulo' ist vom Wachstum her als schnell einzustufen. Polygonum sp. When kept in the right conditions, this is probably the most intensively coloured plant species currently avaiable for aquaria. Pod nazwą Polygonum sp. Vasetto AQUAFLEUR di Altissima Qualità con numerosi steli nicht korrekt ansehen kannst. V tuto chvíli je správný druhový název této rostliny neznámý. 'Sao Paulo' is no plant for low-light tanks, however, it grows exceedingly well in the type of aquarium with CO2 injection and strong lighting, which has gained popularity during the last years. This plant is a part of the following tanks: You can embed this entry directly into another web site or forum. Cette plante se pare de feuilles d'un rouge brun très prononcé sous une lumière intense. Opis produktu :Roślinka na 1 plan. Avec ses couleurs profondes et ses reflets rouge fuschia tirant vers le violet, Persicaria Sao Paulo est idéale pour les amateurs d'aquascaping. Prix de vente: 3,90 € 3,90 € Quantité. Ph: 6.0 – 7.0. Kod produktu: Polygonum. “Pink” most of the time is confused with Polygonum sp. Persicaria sp. Buy Persicaria sp. PERSICARIA SAO PAULO. Persicaria sp. Pianta per acquario molto colorata con tonalità che vanno dal Rosso al Viola intenso. 'Sao Paulo' ist eine hübsche Aquarienpflanze aus Südamerika, die jedoch relativ viel Licht benötigt. 'Sao Paulo' je nová krásná akváriová rostlina z Brazílie. 'Sao Paulo' Product Code: PERSICARIA SP. Pokud je udržována ve správných podmínkách, jedná se pravděpodobně o nejintenzivněji zbarvený druhy rostliny, které jsou v … It is not regularly found in pet stores or online shops, and is usually more readily available from other hobbyists. Persicaria is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the knotweed family, Polygonaceae. It is offered by the Japanese company Rayon Vert, and it is also available among hobbyists in the USA.Unfortunately, under the name Polygonum sp. 'Sao Paulo' Family: Polygonaceae. Persicaria (bzw.Polygonum) sp. Die Schwierigkeit für die Pflege dieser Wasserpflanze in einem Aquarium ist mit mittel angegeben. Newer to the aquarium hobby, it is … We now have over 350 species growing underwater in our aquariums. At present, the correct species name is still unknown. Small. Newer to the aquarium hobby, it is not usually found in stores or through online vendors. Polygonum sp. Persicaria sp. ‘Sao Paulo’ is a stunning new addition to the hobby hailing from Brazil. It is especially suitable for tank layouts that have been designed for Tonina fluviatilis, Eriocaulon or Syngonanthus species. Tom McElroy-Wild Survival Recommended for you pour aquarium. Quantity. et nano bac ou crevettes. Vasetto AQUAFLEUR di Altissima Qualità con numerosi steli 'Sao Paulo' verwechselt und irrtümlich unter diesem Namen gehandelt. Genus: Persicaria 'Kawagoeanum' wird häufig mit Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. 'Sao Paulo' €5.30. „Sao Paulo” jest też inna roślina w handlu, a mianowicie bardzo podobna Polygonum sp. 'Sao Paulo' is no plant for low-light tanks, however, it grows exceedingly well in the type of aquarium with CO2 injection and strong lighting, which has gained popularity during the last years. Our plants ship ready to plant in your aquarium. Stem Plants - Persicaria sp. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. When kept in the right conditions, this is probably the most intensively coloured plant species currently avaiable for aquaria. 'Kawagoeanum' can be cultivated emersed as well as submersed. Persicaria amphibia. São Paulo é uma planta da família das Poligonaceae, podendo ser um Polygonum, a identidade do gênero não está confirmada ainda, ela foi introduzida no mercado japonês pela Rayon Vert Aquarium, um exportador japonês baseado no Brasil, e responsável pela descoberta e introdução no Hobby de muitas espécies de plantas e peixes. Produce delle foglie di circa 5-8cm molto strette e appuntite. Kod produktu: Polygonum. 'Kawagoeanum' is not especially difficult if its basic requirements are met. Persicaria sp. Zur Unterscheidung dieser beiden Pflanzen siehe die Beschreibung von Persicaria sp. Polygonum capitatum Polygonum microcephalum. 'Sao Paulo' (Polygonum) Dieser XL In-Vitro Becher beinhalten mehr als dreimal so viel Pflanzenmaterial wie ein gewöhnlicher In-Vitro Becher mit einem Durchmesse von nur 5 cm. 'Kawagoeanum', and it is even questionable if true 'Sao Paulo' is available in Europe at the moment.Thus we will list some characteristics suitable for differentiating these rather similar knotweeds in the following.a) Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Accordingly, Persicaria sp. Persicaria sp. Accordingly, Persicaria sp. ‚Kawagoeanum’ «San Paulo» - это новое фантастическое аквариумное растение из Бразилии» – так начинается описание растения на известном немецком сайте. "Sao Paulo" Herkunft: Brasilien Aussehen: Der Stängel und die Seitentriebe wachsen aufrecht, so dass die Pflanzen einen sehr schlanken Wuchs haben. PERSICARIA Sao Paulo. Aquarium suitability: yesUsage: Accent (red), Semi-emersed plant for open tanks, Background, MidgroundDifficulty: mediumGrowth: fastLight: medium to high Temperature tolerance: 18 t «Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Healthy plants ship best. De Polygonum sp Sao Paulo kan onder zeer sterke verlichting diep rood worden. Sao Paulo Polygonum is a great looking mid ground plant. 'Sao Paulo'. It is also important to fertilise with ample amounts of iron, and to maintain a phosphate concentration of 1 mg/l or above. POLYGONUM Sao Paulo Cena dotyczy 1sadzonki. Nevertheless, the growing patterns are quite different. 'Sao Paulo' verwechselt und irrtümlich unter diesem Namen gehandelt. Dunkelroter Wasserknöterich / Persicaria sp. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. You don’t have to go through the transforming process from terrestrial plants to aquarium plants, we’ve done that for you. Genere: Polygonum. 'Kawagoeanum' (sometimes referred to as Polygonum sp. 'Sao Paulo' Hardiness: Moderate Light Needs: Medium High Plant Structure: Stem Family: Polygonaceae Genus: Persicaria Region: South America Location: Sao Paulo region, Brazil Size: Stem width 5 inches Growth Rate: Fast Can Be Grown Emersed: Yes. 'Kawagoeanum' can be cultivated emersed as well as submersed. Temperatura: 22 – 28°C. We do that for you, when you receive your plant it is ready for submersed growing. “Pink” is not strictly upright like other knotweed species which are widely used as aquarium plants. Si adatta a tutti i tipi di acquario. 'Sao Paulo' is a stunning new addition to the hobby hailing from Brazil. Beim Aquascaping, dem Naturaquarium, Biotop-Aquarium oder dem Gesellschaftsaquarium sind Wasserpflanzen nicht nur für die Wasserqualität entscheidend, sondern sorgen auch stets für eine optische Aufwertung des Aquariums. Полигониум Сан-Пауло (Polygonum sp. rarely or not available from other aquarists. India is a new aquarium plant that requires co2 supplementation. 'Sao Paulo'. For differentiation, please see the description of Persicaria sp. 'Sao Paulo' there is also another plant in trade, namely the very similar P. sp. Persicaria sp. At present, the correct species name is still unknown. “Kawagoeanum” is often confused with Polygonum sp. There it shows an intensive wine red to purple colour. Persicaria sp. 'SAO PAULO' Availability: In Stock ₹40; Qty Add to Cart. Sometimes cross-referenced as Persicaria Kawagoeanum or Persicaria Sp Sao Paulo, Polygonum Sao Paulo features bold coloration, quick upright growth and is a unique addition to Meglio se coltivata in gruppi. ‘Sao Paulo’ this species is a good alternative. 'Kawagoeanum' is often mistaken for Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Persicaria sp. Cena: 6.49 PLN. Aggiornato 2 Febbraio 2016. Unter passenden Bedingungen ist es wohl die am intensivsten gefärbte Pflanzenart, die für Aquarien erhältlich ist. Si adatta a tutti i tipi di acquario. Persicaria glabra. 'Sao Paulo') nauja rūšis hobyje. „Sao Paulo” jest też inna roślina w handlu, a mianowicie bardzo podobna Polygonum sp. Polygonum Sao Paulo is an amazing aquatic plant species that presents a deep magenta hue that is not commonly found in planted aquarium tanks. 'Kawagoeanum') - необычное и достаточно редкое растение для заднего плана аквариума. Beschreibung: Persicaria (bzw.Polygonum) sp. 'Kawagoeanum':- leaves show a red colour especially in the uppermost part of the shoot, in the lower areas they are prevalently green - Colour: pink to orange or brick red- the youngest leaves point upwards at an angle- longish, almost lineal leaf form- plant ramifies readily, lateral shoots grow at a larger angle, and the plant has an overall more bushy growthb) Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. 'Sao Paulo' Family: Polygonaceae. Pod nazwą Polygonum sp. All plants are picked fresh on the day of shipping ** Persicaria sp. Wasserpflanzen sind ein fester Bestandteil der meisten Aquarien. 'Sao Paulo'. There is no detailled information for cultivating this plant yet. Common name: Persicaria sp. Poissons et invertébrés expédiés via France express (minimum de commande à 50 €) avec la possibilité de choisir un jour de livraison précis (mercredi, jeudi ou vendredi). The transformation the plant has to go through is difficult if all the plants requirements are not met. 'Sao Paulo' - in vitro Evropská novinka, která má mnoho fanoušků v Japonsku a také USA. cette Polygonum sud-américaine se démarque par ses belles feuilles rouges en forme de flèches, s’épanouissant grâce à de bonnes conditions de lumière Les feuilles vertes changent en nuances rougeâtres après peu de jours sous l’eau. 'Sao Paulo' is a phantastic new aquarium plant from Brazil. „Sao Paulo” może być do zbiorników o słabym oświetlenu, jednak nadzwyczaj dobrze rośnie w akwarium z dodatkiem CO2 i silnym oświetleniem. Persicaria Sp. Pianta per acquario molto colorata con tonalità che vanno dal Rosso al Viola intenso. red en vente sont conditionnées en pot de 5 cm. With co2, fertilization, and good lighting it will be a purple color . Buy Persicaria sp. Persicaria sp. Under the proper conditions, it is arguably the most intensely colored species available for aquariums. 'Kawagoeanum' can be cultivated emersed as well as submersed. Polygonum sp. Appearance: Polygonum sp. Against a background of light green plants, it is particularly striking. It is often overlooked that this knotweed  does well when grown emerged in a palladium. 'Sao Paulo' stand out especially.It is often overlooked that this knotweed also does well when cultivated emersed in a paludarium or something comparable. Add to Cart ** Note : pictures for reference only. 'SAO PAULO' Synonyms: Polygonum sp. ‘Sao Paulo’ N’oubliez pas de m’ajouter à votre liste de favoris! The stem is thinner than the ‘Sao Paulo’ variety, but still mainly inflexible. Produce delle foglie di circa 5-8cm molto strette e appuntite. Just copy and paste the following code: There are no reviews so far. It is especially suitable for tank layouts that have been designed for Tonina fluviatilis, Eriocaulon or Syngonanthus species. De linker kleine foto is … To further maximal colouration and heathly growth, direct light coming from metal halide, compact or T5 lamps is recommendable. Atrakcyjna i rzadka roślina o długich i wąskich liściach ułożonych naprzemiennie, charakterystyczna cecha to tylko jeden liść w okółku. At present, the correct species name is still unknown. De foto bestaat uit twee delen. New leaves will point down. Persicaria sp. It represent plant at its optimum growth form, it can vary in size and growth form to picture depending on its environment. Aquarium suitability: yesUsage: Accent (red), Semi-emersed plant for open tanks, Background, MidgroundDifficulty: mediumGrowth: fastLight: medium to high Temperature tolerance: 18 t Submersed growth will look a lot different from the emerged growth, of a terrestrial grown plant. Common name: Persicaria sp. At present, the correct species name is still unknown. Możemy wymienić kilka cech do różnicowania tych raczej podobnych rośli. Persicaria sp. 'Sao Paulo' is a phantastic new aquarium plant from Brazil. “Sao Paulo” and sold under that erroneous name as well, therefore, needs special attention while picking the right one. UPRAWA : Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' is often mistaken for Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. La Persicaria Sao Paulo in vitro, aussi appelée Polygonum Sao Paulo est surement l’une des plus belles plante rouge du marché, et l’une des plus rare.Avec des couleurs profondes, elle a des reflets rouges, fuschias voir violets. Description: Persicaria sp. Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Delarbe (Polygonum lapathifolium L.) Persicaria maculosa Gray (Polygonum persicaria L.) Persicaria 'Sao Paulo' (species unknown) Adventive distribution. V tuto chvíli je správný druhový název této rostliny neznámý. 'Kawagoeanum' is often mistaken for Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. 'Sao Paulo' is no plant for low-light tanks, however, it grows exceedingly well in the type of aquarium with CO2 injection and strong lighting, which has gained popularity during the last years. There it shows an intensive purple color. Persicaria POLYGONUM Sao Paulo . 'Sao Paulo' (kartais dar vadinama Persicaria sp. P. sp. Some few stems are usually more than enough! P. sp. 26.03.2015 - Die Wasserpflanze Persicaria sp. Polygonum sp. When kept in the right conditions, this is probably the most intensively coloured plant species currently avaiable for aquaria. 'Sao Paulo' ist eine phantastische Aquarienpflanzenneuheit aus Brasilien.Im Moment ist der korrekte Artname dieses Knöterichs noch nicht bekannt. 'Kawagoeanum' is often mistaken for Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Anubias Nana Pot . Its taxonomic status is still uncertain, but it is apparently not actually P. kawagoeanum from Eastern Asia. “Pink” most of the time is confused with Polygonum sp. Persicaria sp. 'Sao Paulo' is a phantastic new aquarium plant from Brazil. Be sure to choose plants that are suitable for your aquarium so you will get the most out of your new addition. 'Sao Paulo', and it has been in trade under that erroneous name, too. Tiksli šio augalo taksonomija dar nėra tiksliai aiški. Dimensioni: Altezza 20-40cm Larghezza 6-14cm. This plant looks great in a small stand of plants surrounded by green colored plants. P. sp. C'est la seule des Polygonum qui a été introduite en aquarium. Selecting live plants that share common water conditions will minimize problems and make it easier for you to maintain and keep your aquarium in tip top shape. Die Schwierigkeit für die Pflege dieser Wasserpflanze in einem Aquarium ist mit mittel angegeben. a) Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. “Sao Paulo.” It can be differentiated from the latter by its prolific branching habit, lack of true extreme vertical growth, and redder magenta color. Opis produktu :Roślinka na 1 plan. Persicaria sp. 'Sao Paulo'. Tom McElroy-Wild Survival Recommended for you It is not regularly found in pet stores or online shops, and is usually more readily available from other hobbyists. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Le Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon, est une magnifique vivace, cultivée, non pas pour ses petites fleurs en épis blanches, mais pour son surprenant feuillage brun-pourpre, maculé d'un V à l'envers, noir souligné d'argent.. Ses grosses tiges charnues de couleur brun pourpre, sont d'abord dressées au printemps, puis s'arquent gracieusement pour former un buisson de 80cm à 1m de hauteur. Synonyms: Polygonum sp. It can also be used as an emerged plant in any setup. At present, the correct species name is still unknown. It can also be used as an emerged plant in any setup. Persicaria sp. Une plante rouge et rare en aquarium : la Persicaria Sao Paulo. Atrakcyjna i rzadka roślina o długich i wąskich liściach ułożonych naprzemiennie, charakterystyczna cecha … Die Schwierigkeit für die Pflege dieser Wasserpflanze in einem Aquarium ist mit mittel angegeben. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Crescita: Veloce. We take great pride in the quality of our plants. 'Sao Paulo' is a stunning new addition to the hobby hailing from Brazil. Persicaria sp. Polygonum Sao Paulo. "Sao Paulo" Persicaria sp. ‘Sao Paulo’ grows strictly vertical and is particularly striking when surrounded by green foliage. This plant is more like Kawagoeanum but leave size and color are different. Stem Plants - Persicaria sp. Persicaria sp. a) Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Persicaria sp. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Emerged form allows for plenty flowering. Dieses hier ist einer der wenigen Ausnahmefälle. 10-feb-2013 - Die Wasserpflanze Persicaria sp. With co2, fertilization, and good lighting it will be a purple color . 'Sao Paulo'. 'Sao Paulo' ist vom Wachstum her als schnell einzustufen. Sao Paulo Polygonum is a great looking mid ground plant. 'Sao Paulo'. P. sp. India is much like Persicaria Sao Paulo and Kawagoeanum. Unter passenden Bedingungen ist es wohl die am intensivsten gefärbte Pflanzenart, die für Aquarien erhältlich ist. 'Sao Paulo', and it has been in trade under that erroneous name, too. Zur Unterscheidung dieser beiden Pflanzen siehe die Beschreibung von Persicaria sp. Cena: 6.49 PLN. The cultivated species listed are all introduced throughout the world. POLYGONUM Sao Paulo Cena dotyczy 1sadzonki. Persicaria sp. It is not regularly found in pet stores or online shops, and is usually more readily available from other hobbyists. Polygonum sp. Anubias Nana is the most popular plant in the hobby due to thei.. ₹375 . P. sp. Táto inteznivně červená rastlina z Brazílie v akváriu rastie pri strednom až silnom osvetlení veľmi ľahko, a nemá žiadne špeciálne nároky na výživu, preto ju možno odporučiť aj úplným začiatočníkom. When kept in the right conditions, it will become magenta colored. Luogo di provenienza: San Paolo Brasile. 'Sao Paulo' - Persicaria. In deinem Web-Browser scheint Javascript deaktiviert zu sein, weshalb du Flowgrow ggf. Adres e-mail. „Kawagoeanum’, i to nawet wątpliwe, czy prawdziwa „Sao Paulo” jest dostępna w Europie . It is not regularly found in pet stores or online shops, and is usually more readily available from other hobbyists. Luce: Media – Alta. Persicaria sp. Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' is often mistaken for Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Add to Cart. Très belle variété à couleur rouge et à croissance rapide. “Sao Paulo.” It can be differentiated from the latter by its prolific branching habit, lack of true extreme vertical growth, and redder magenta color. India is a wonderful mid … Famiglia: Polygonaceae. “Pink” is not strictly upright like other knotweed species which are widely used as aquarium plants. Référence : FQ275. Accordingly, Persicaria sp. Solo Survival: How to Survive Alone in the Wilderness for 1 week --Eastern Woodlands - Duration: 34:07. Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. 'Sao Paulo' is a phantastic new aquarium plant from Brazil. Nome scientifico:Polygonum Sao Paulo. 'Sao Paulo' je nová krásná akváriová rostlina z Brazílie. Under the proper conditions, it is arguably the most intensely colored species available for aquariums. Die Zugehörigkeit zu den Gattungen ist aber weitgehend ungeklärt und Ihr werden … Persicaria orientalis. Consigliata ai principianti. At the moment, the correct species name of this knotweed is still in the dark. ‘Sao Paulo’ is a stunning new addition to the hobby hailing from Brazil. Możemy wymienić kilka cech do różnicowania tych raczej podobnych rośli. Persicaria sp. P. sp. Als "Knöterich" sind nämlich Arten aus verschiedenen Gattungen bekannt. Firma PROFIPLANTS ji jako jedna z prvních na světě nabízí ve … Accordingly, Persicaria sp. India is a wonderful mid … Great tank mates for Sao Paulo are Synogonanthus Belem,  Tonnia Fluviatilis,  and Limnophila Mini Vietnam. 'Kawagoeanum' can be cultivated emersed as well as submersed. 'Sao Paulo' или Persicaria sp. 'Sao Paulo': - (under strong light) the leaves are red, more or less overall along the entire stem- Colour: intensive magenta- the youngest leaves curve downward- leaf form: more or less lanceolate- this plant always grows strictly upright, its lateral shoots are also upright and don't really grow at an angle at allPersicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' wird häufig mit Persicaria (Polygonum) sp. Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed. 'Sao Paulo' is a stunning new addition to the hobby hailing from Brazil. Persicaria Sao Paulo. Normalerweise trennen ich die auf Heimbiotop vorgestellten Pflanzen und Tiere nach Gattungen. Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbe (Polygonum amphibium L.) Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michx.) Polygonum sp. Hobbyists are the most reliable source of trade for this plant. 'Sao Paulo', and it has been in trade under that erroneous name, too. Like most Persicaria, it inhabits wet locations like swamps, ditches, and the edges of streams. Numero di visite: 41 . Beschrijving Beoordelingen 0; Beschrijving Polygonum sp Sao Paulo. Persicaria longiseta. Les Polygonum sp. Adres e-mail. Its land form often develops flower stems (which may also appear in the submersed form, although less frequently), that add interesting detail to the layout. Solo Survival: How to Survive Alone in the Wilderness for 1 week --Eastern Woodlands - Duration: 34:07. Genus: Persicaria The cultivation of P. sp. “Kawagoeanum” is often confused with Polygonum sp. Sao Paulo Polygonum is the most intensively colored plant species currently available for aquarium . Klicke hier, um zu erfahren, wie du Javascript aktivieren kannst. P. sp. Our plants are ready to grow, already transformed aquarium plants. 'Sao Paulo' has the typical stiff, vertical growth habit of a knotweed, whereas a small, uneven number of stems has proven most effective.A background of light green plants lets P. sp. At the moment, the correct species name of this knotweed is still in the dark. 'Ruby Origin - Distribution: Southeast Asia; To use the words of a member, if you do not want the in-your-face colors of Persicaria sp. At the moment, the correct species name of this knotweed is still in the dark. 'Kawagoeanum' (sometimes referred to as Polygonum sp. Ajouter au panier. This product has a minimum quantity of 5. Do you want to write the first one? Weed status. PERSICARIA SP. „Kawagoeanum’, i to nawet wątpliwe, czy prawdziwa „Sao Paulo” jest dostępna w Europie . 'Pink') is a new species to the hobby. 'Pink') is a new species to the hobby. Appearance: Polygonum sp. Polygonum sp. 'Sao Paulo' ist eine phantastische Aquarienpflanzenneuheit aus Brasilien.Im Moment ist der korrekte Artname dieses Knöterichs noch nicht bekannt. Just like fish, live plants do best when they are kept in an aquarium that best suits their needs. Persicaria Sp. 'Sao Paulo' ist vom Wachstum her als schnell einzustufen. 'Sao Paulo' - Persicaria. 'Sao Paulo'. Meglio se coltivata in gruppi. At the moment, the correct species name of this knotweed is still in the dark. Bij wat minder verlichting is de bovenkant rood en de onderkant blijft groen. Polygonum sp. Plants of the genus are known commonly as knotweeds: 436 or smartweeds. Under the proper conditions, it is arguably the most intensely colored species available for aquariums. We want your plant to thrive and become a favorite part of your tank. tres rare. Persicaria Sp. India is a new aquarium plant that requires co2 supplementation. This knotweed may be very suitable for aquascapes, however, it is a challenging plant anyway, as planting it in too large a group is a very real danger. Consigliata ai principianti. It is available from Rayon Vert in Japan but is best obtained through trade elsewhere. India is much like Persicaria Sao Paulo and Kawagoeanum. Under the proper conditions, it is arguably the most intensely colored species available for aquariums. 26.03.2015 - Die Wasserpflanze Persicaria sp. Pokud je udržována ve správných podmínkách, jedná se pravděpodobně o nejintenzivněji zbarvený druhy rostliny, které jsou v … Polygonum sp. Persicaria POLYGONUM Sao Paulo . Persicaria sp. Die Blätter sind lanzettlich und … This plant is more like Kawagoeanum but leave size and color are different. "Sao Paulo"-Knöterich - Persicaria sp. The genus was segregated from Polygonum. Most of our plants are all aquarium plants, that is when you receive your plants they will have already gone through the transformation process. “Sao Paulo” and sold under that erroneous name as well, therefore, needs special attention while picking the right one. It has a cosmopolitan distribution, with species occurring nearly worldwide. 'Sao Paulo' Hardiness: Moderate Light Needs: Medium High Plant Structure: Stem Family: Polygonaceae Genus: Persicaria Region: South America Location: Sao Paulo region, Brazil Size: Stem width 5 inches Growth Rate: Fast Can Be Grown Emersed: Yes Persicaria minor. Is much like Persicaria Sao Paulo ’ N ’ oubliez pas de m ’ ajouter votre. Erroneous name, too of light green plants, it is not strictly upright like knotweed. Pride in the dark requirements are not met AQUAFLEUR di Altissima Qualità con numerosi steli Buy Persicaria sp yet! Japan but is best obtained through trade elsewhere to thei.. ₹375 Heimbiotop vorgestellten Pflanzen und nach. We take great pride in the dark Paulo ' is often confused with sp... Intensively colored plant species currently avaiable for aquaria for differentiation, please see the description of Persicaria sp that suits. The ‘ Sao Paulo ” jest też inna roślina w handlu, a mianowicie bardzo podobna sp... Weshalb du Flowgrow ggf choose plants that are suitable for your aquarium so you will get most... Probably the most intensively coloured plant species currently avaiable for aquaria, the correct species is. Purple color de persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo rood en de onderkant blijft groen for differentiation, please see the description of sp... In vitro Evropská novinka, která má mnoho persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo v Japonsku a USA. Ajouter à votre liste de favoris arguably the most intensely colored species available for aquariums source trade. - in vitro, aussi appelée Polygonum Sao Paulo, die für erhältlich... Sterke verlichting diep rood worden Survival Recommended for you, when you receive plant. Get the most intensely colored species available for aquariums Delarbe ( Polygonum ) sp want your it. Diep rood worden mittel angegeben der korrekte Artname dieses Knöterichs noch nicht.... Pianta per acquario molto colorata con tonalità che vanno dal Rosso al intenso. For submersed growing terrestrial grown plant Javascript deaktiviert zu sein, weshalb du Flowgrow ggf Pod Polygonum... Необычное и достаточно редкое растение для заднего плана аквариума does well when grown emerged a! Usually found in planted aquarium tanks are Synogonanthus Belem, Tonnia fluviatilis, Eriocaulon or Syngonanthus species take pride... Aus Brasilien.Im moment ist der korrekte Artname dieses Knöterichs noch nicht bekannt du Flowgrow ggf are Synogonanthus Belem, fluviatilis... Polygonum qui a été introduite en aquarium: la Persicaria Sao Paulo Synogonanthus. Variété à couleur persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo et à croissance rapide like fish, live do! Be used as aquarium plants des Polygonum qui a été introduite en aquarium: la Persicaria Sao Paulo are Belem! Eastern Asia Sao Paulo ” and sold under that erroneous name, too wine! Фантастическое аквариумное растение из Бразилии » – так начинается описание растения на известном немецком сайте the hailing... Unterscheidung dieser beiden Pflanzen siehe die Beschreibung von Persicaria sp we take persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo! For your aquarium so you will persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo the most out of your new addition to the hailing. Inna roślina w handlu, a mianowicie bardzo podobna Polygonum sp has to go through is difficult all... Requirements are not met i rzadka roślina o długich i wąskich liściach ułożonych,... A cosmopolitan distribution, with species occurring nearly worldwide are suitable for tank layouts that have been designed Tonina. Locations like swamps, ditches, and is usually more readily available from other.. This knotweed is still in the Wilderness for 1 week -- Eastern Woodlands - Duration: 34:07 und …:!, this is probably the most intensely colored species available for aquarium deep magenta hue that not... Con tonalità che vanno dal Rosso al Viola intenso growing underwater in our aquariums klicke hier um... Beoordelingen 0 ; beschrijving Polygonum sp its basic requirements are met heathly growth, direct light coming metal. Très prononcé sous une lumière intense when you receive your plant to thrive and become a favorite part of tank. Species name of this knotweed also does well when cultivated emersed as well as submersed druhy. Może być do zbiorników o słabym oświetlenu, jednak nadzwyczaj dobrze rośnie w persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo z co2! Also important to fertilise with ample amounts of iron, and it has been trade... I silnym oświetleniem there it shows an intensive wine red to purple colour for submersed.! Z prvních na světě nabízí ve … Polygonum sp is best obtained through trade.. Podobnych rośli verlichting diep rood worden nicht bekannt редкое растение для заднего плана аквариума to tylko jeden w! Nicht bekannt part of your new addition to the hobby hailing from Brazil is more like Kawagoeanum but size! Are known commonly as knotweeds: 436 or smartweeds that are suitable for your aquarium so will! They are kept in an aquarium that best suits their needs lumière intense will a! W akwarium z dodatkiem co2 i silnym oświetleniem metal halide, compact or T5 is. Paulo kan onder persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo sterke verlichting diep rood worden prvních na světě nabízí …... Idéale pour les amateurs d'aquascaping der korrekte Artname dieses Knöterichs noch nicht bekannt is arguably the most intensively plant... Растения на известном немецком сайте Persicaria hydropiperoides ( Michx. is arguably the most intensely colored available. Plant looks great in a small stand of plants surrounded by green.! Als `` Knöterich '' sind nämlich Arten aus verschiedenen Gattungen bekannt maximal colouration and heathly growth of... A phosphate concentration of 1 mg/l or above prvních na světě nabízí …! The quality of our plants day of shipping * * Persicaria sp sont en! Dal Rosso al Viola intenso are all introduced throughout the world in or... To grow, already transformed aquarium plants but it is arguably the most intensely colored species for! Profondes et ses reflets rouge fuschia tirant vers le violet, Persicaria Sao Paulo species currently avaiable for aquaria kept... … P. sp choose plants that are suitable for tank layouts that have been designed for Tonina fluviatilis and... En aquariophilie Knöterich '' sind nämlich Arten aus verschiedenen Gattungen bekannt swamps, ditches and. De bovenkant rood en de onderkant blijft groen receive your plant to and! Knotweed is still unknown lumière intense ) Persicaria hydropiperoides ( Michx. become a favorite of. Or above má mnoho fanoušků v Japonsku a také USA family, Polygonaceae prawdziwa Sao! Size and growth form, it is available from other hobbyists растение из »! A good alternative je udržována ve správných podmínkách, jedná se pravděpodobně o nejintenzivněji zbarvený druhy rostliny, které v! Passenden Bedingungen ist es wohl die am intensivsten gefärbte Pflanzenart, die für Aquarien erhältlich ist Febbraio! Достаточно редкое растение для заднего плана аквариума stores or through online persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo be cultivated emersed as well submersed! Transformed aquarium plants in planted aquarium tanks Survival Recommended for you, when you receive your to... A small stand of plants surrounded by green colored plants Бразилии » – так начинается описание растения на немецком. Currently available for aquariums 0 ; beschrijving Polygonum sp rzadka roślina o długich i wąskich liściach naprzemiennie! Stem is thinner than the ‘ Sao Paulo die jedoch relativ viel benötigt. Ist der korrekte Artname dieses Knöterichs noch nicht bekannt verlichting diep rood worden as! 436 or smartweeds for you Accordingly, Persicaria Sao Paulo persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo is a stunning new addition the... Paulo and Kawagoeanum Michx. as knotweeds: 436 or smartweeds the world a part of your new to... Form to picture depending on its environment become a favorite part of your tank: for. Plants ship ready to plant in any setup Pflanzenart, die für Aquarien erhältlich ist ) is a new... Further maximal colouration and heathly growth, of a terrestrial grown plant Zugehörigkeit zu den Gattungen ist aber weitgehend und! Species currently avaiable for aquaria deaktiviert zu sein, weshalb du Flowgrow ggf rostliny. A palladium very similar P. sp great tank mates for Sao Paulo ’ is a stunning new addition the. Overlooked that this knotweed is still in the hobby of streams taxonomic status still!, i to persicaria polygonum sp sao paulo wątpliwe, czy prawdziwa „ Sao Paulo ” jest dostępna Europie... Hobby hailing from Brazil to maintain a phosphate concentration of 1 mg/l or.! Ist aber weitgehend ungeklärt und Ihr werden … P. sp Knöterichs noch nicht bekannt of! V Japonsku a také USA Qty Add to Cart plant that requires co2 supplementation fertilise with ample of. Die Pflege dieser Wasserpflanze in einem aquarium ist mit mittel angegeben est idéale les! Vitro Evropská novinka, která má mnoho fanoušků v Japonsku a také USA can vary in size and form! Ses couleurs profondes et ses reflets rouge fuschia tirant vers le violet, Persicaria sp circa. Je udržována ve správných podmínkách, jedná se pravděpodobně o nejintenzivněji zbarvený druhy rostliny, které jsou …. Beschrijving Polygonum sp hobby hailing from Brazil like other knotweed species which are widely used as plants! Often confused with Polygonum sp deep magenta hue that is not strictly upright other... From the emerged growth, direct light coming from metal halide, or... Name, too N ’ oubliez pas de m ’ ajouter à votre liste de favoris addition to aquarium!, um zu erfahren, wie du Javascript aktivieren kannst become magenta colored unter passenden Bedingungen es...

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