Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. The shinobi of Konoha integrated Uzushiogakure's symbol onto their uniforms and flak jackets as well as on the shoulders of their uniforms as a sign of friendship and goodwill between the two villages, and continue to do so to this day, in mem… Naruto Uzumaki (Clan leader) Minato Namikaze. Nawaki is the younger brother of Tsunade and the grandson of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki, which makes her … Kushina Uzumaki; Boruto Uzumaki; Himawari Uzumaki; Mito Uzumaki; Menma Uzumaki; Nagato; Karin; Tsunade; Fuso; Uzumaki Clan Abilities. Ashina Uzumaki was the leader of the Uzumaki clan during the founding of Konohagakure. He was only revealed in flashbacks as he’s been deceased for a long time; but he was very similar to Naruto personality-wise as he too wanted to earn the title of the Hokage and protect the village. The number one hyperactive, knucklehead ninja of the Leaf Village who would rise from the very depths and go on to earn the respect of every single member of his village and beyond and become the Seventh Hokage. She lived in Amegakure (Village hidden in the Rain) along with her husband and son before she was killed by Konoha ninjas who mistook them as enemies. Over the years, the shinobi arts of the Hyuga clan were drilled into her and she became quite skilled at them. The first member is Menma Uzumaki, who is Naruto’s counterpart in an alternate reality created by Genjutsu, and also a son of Minato and Kushina. uzumaki clan member. He later formed Akatsuki along with Yahiko and Konan with an aim to bringing peace to the shinobi world, but would later go down a more violent path and force peace on the world by any means necessary following Yahiko’s death. Ashina Uzumaki (うずまきアシナ Uzumaki Ashina) was the leader of the Uzumaki clan during the founding of Konohagakure. She was always headstrong and a fierce fighter possessing a strong life force and tremendous chakra reserves. Devilman: Crybaby Season 2 – Renewed or Cancelled by Netflix. 2 Boruto Uzumaki Kushina is the mother of Naruto Uzumaki, who migrated to Konoha after she was selected as the next Jinchuriki of Kurama due to her special chakra. The typical appearance of an Uzumaki fÅ«injutsu.Members of this clan were very knowledgeable in the art of fÅ«injutsu.This reputation earned them renown and fear worldwide, which eventually led to the destruction of Uzushiogakure, and the rest of the Land of Whirlpools during the era of Shinobi World Wars. He acts as the leader of Team Minato, a genin-level team of Konohagakure`s ninja forces. Himawari Uzumaki is the daughter of Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga making her a descendant of both the Uzumaki clan and Hyuga clan. Since its disbandment, most of its known members reside in Konohagakure. Personal Blog. Ultraman Season 1: Plot and Netflix Release Date Announced! Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 5 - Words: 8,040 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 55 - Updated: 6/6/2012 - Published: 5/1/2010 - id: 5939150 El Clan Uzumaki (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) fue un prominente clan de Uzushiogakure. Himawari, daughter of Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata HyÅ«ga is the youngest of the Uzumaki Clan and a child prodigy. Just because a character has red hair doesn't mean they have ties to the Uzumaki Clan, I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just being nean. The shinobi of Konoha integrated Uzushiogakure's symbol onto their uniforms and flak jackets as well as on the shoulders of their uniforms as a sign of frien… It was here that she was approached and recruited by Orochimaru who later made her in charge of the Southern Hideout. The Uzumaki clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) was a prominent clan in Uzushiogakure. Through the years, the Uzumaki and Senju kept close ties, with members at times marrying between clans, as with Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. In the anime, he and his clan met with Hashirama and the Senju clan in order to deal with a gigantic beast which was on the loose. The members of this clan possess incredible longevity. Red hair was a common trait amongst Uzumaki clan members. Did you get all of them right, or did you forget some of them from the above list? What if at the age of seven Naruto had found the only other living member of the Uzumaki Clan from Whirlpool Country. Karin is a former kunoichi of Kusagakure who makes her first appearance in Naruto Shippuden, and was also shown to be a part of the Chunin Exams held in the Leaf Village. Chikara Uzumaki. They were distant blood relatives of the Senju clan and as such, both were on good terms; an alliance that extended onto their hidden villages — Konohagakure and Uzushiogakure. Himawari Uzumaki. Thread starter elevenTail; Start date Oct 24, 2011; 1; 2; Next. The only thing that was revealed in the story was that the clan was attacked and all the members were killed after some of the nations of the world banded together to take them out believing that the village was too powerful to be allowed to continue. The Uzumaki Clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) is formerly a prominent clan in Noharagakure. Members of the Uzumaki Clan. Karin (香燐) is the second member of Taka and a member of the Uzumaki Clan that Naruto belongs to. The name "Uzumaki" can either mean "whirlpool" or "maelstrom". Nagato is a shinobi from Amegakure and a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sakura Haruno (marriage) Ino Yamanaka (marriage) Hinata Hyuga (marriage) Kushina … Nawaki. Whispers float through the village about how this marriage may not have been what it seemed. He’s strong-willed, loud and quite energetic just like his father and his facial features also resemble his father’s. History Talk (0) This is one of the most powerful clans in Naruto. It is popularly known that Uzumaki bloodlines are undoubtedly one of the strongest shinobi … Naruto es actualmente el hombre más fuerte del mundo shinobi, 2- Kushina Uzumaki: Es originaria de la extinta Aldea de los remolinos, su cabello de color rojo fue el causante de burlas por parte de los niños, poseía gran cantidad de chakara gracias a su clan, fue sucesora de Mito Uzumaki el primer Jinchuriki de Zorro de las nueve colas, pese a que fue advertida de la tristeza que le depararía la vida, nunca dejó de sonreír, no es para nada una mujer débil, ya que le fue extraído el Zorro de las nueve colas minutos después del parto de su único hijo, pese a esto no murió y se mantuvo en pie, su actitud era similar a la de Naruto y su personalidad ruda y fuerte cómo la de Tsunade, 3- Nagato Uzumaki: Su cabello es rojo, rasgo común de los Uzumaki, Nagato es uno de los huérfanos de la lluvia que fue entrenado por un gran shinobi llamado Jiraiya, cómo miembro del Clan Uzumaki, Nagato poseía un gran control de chakara, poseía el rinnengan, el cuál fue implantado por Madara Uchiha; de niño Nagato era noble, sencillo, y propenso al llanto, al crecer y hacerse adulto su personalidad cambió convirtiéndose en una persona con mucha tristeza, deseo de venganza, soledad y frustración, pese a su triste final, murió arrepentido y cómo una buena persona, 4- Karin: Es una Kunoichi perteneciente al Clan Uzumaki, posee la increíble habilidad de rehabilitar el chakara de los que están agonizando o muriendo mordiendola en alguna parte de su cuerpo, pese a esa habilidad su madre murió y después se vio obligada a reemplazar a su madre cuando está murió, fue rescatada por Oroshimaru quién la liberó de esa continua tortura, Karin fue miembro del equipo que Sasuke formó para cumplir con su venganza, actualmente vive en la Aldea de la Hoja es cercana a la familia Uchiha, 5- Boruto Uzumaki: Es el primogénito de Naruto Uzumaki y Hinata Hyuga, posee las habilidades de sus padres, pero su personalidad es diferente a la de su padre, con ambiciones y perspectivas diferentes de la vida, Boruto es el protagonista de su propia serie Boruto: Next Generation, 6- Himawari Uzumaki: Es la segunda hija de Naruto y Hinata, es mitad Hyuga mitad Uzumaki, Himawari a demostrado ser un prodigio del Clan de su madre, ya que despertó el Byakugan a los cinco años y sin posición de manos, noqueando al hombre más fuerte del mundo shinobi, aún no hay mucho de que hablar sobre esta pequeña, pero espero más adelante explote su potencial al máximo, 7- Mito Uzumaki: Fue la primera Jinchuriki del Zorro de las nueve colas, poseía un gran dominio de control de chakara, esta habilidad se destaca cuando logra sellar a Kurama en su interior, poseía el Sello de fuerza centenar, por lo tanto tenía una enorme reserva de chakara, como miembro del Clan Uzumaki poseía una gran vitalidad y longevidad, fue maestra de su nieta Tsunade Senju, murió cuando está tenía entre 18 y 20 años, le enseñó a perfeccionar su Taijutsu y el Byakugo no Jutsu, vivió por muchos años, se dice que rebasó los 100 años de edad, ya que estuvo desde antes de que existiera Konoha, durante el período de Hokage de su marido, su cuñado y algunos años del tercer Hokage, 8- Tsunade Senju: Es la nieta de Mito Uzumaki y Hashirama Senju, grandes y poderosos shinobis, Tsunade posee un poderoso Taijutsu descomunal, lo más seguro es que venga con ella genéticamente, ya que sus abuelos poseían Taijutsu y Ninjutsu respectivamente, Tsunade es la mejor ninja médico, posee un gran control de chakara gracias al Clan Uzumaki, lo cuál le permitió reunir chakara para poder obtener la marca en su frente, creó la Técnica de Regeneración Divina mezclando las técnicas de sus abuelos, pese a que no es del todo Uzumaki, Tsunade hace parte de este poderoso clan, de hecho Tsunade es la primera persona vista en la serie procedente de estos dos poderosos clanes, es de ruda personalidad y carácter fuerte, es una mujer muy bella y fiel a su aldea, en la serie destacan muchos logros, pero sin duda cuando escuchas de Tsunade se te viene a la mente su super fuerza descomunal y devastadora, es la mujer más fuerte, y una de las más poderosas y fuertes del Shonen, - El protagonista de la serie pertenece a este Clan (Naruto Uzumaki), - Los Jinchurikis de Kurama pertenecen a este clan, - Casi todos los miembros de este clan son de cabello rojo, hay algunas excepciones, - El Clan Uzumaki pertenece a la Aldea de los remolinos, - El Clan Uzumaki es longevo por naturaleza genética propia de su clan, aliado a esto son resistentes a los castigos físicos y a los ataques, - Poseen impresionantes reservas de chakara, - Dominan el Ninjutsu y Taijutsu incluyendo otras cosas, - El Clan Uzumaki parecía estar esparcido por el mundo shinobi, esa es la razón por la cuál miembros de este Clan cómo Karin y Nagato vivían en lugares diferentes a la Aldea de la Hoja, - Sólo se conocen cinco miembros vivos de este Clan poderoso, Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Karin Uzumaki y Tsunade Senju. Mukai Uzumaki Overview: In Naruto: ShippÅ«den episode 227, Aoba also found a book stating that they had found a survivor of a " certain clan of ninja ". This page is meant for the Uzumaki Family BUT not only ! What better way to save them, then to have the two last two remaining clan members marry. Through the years, the Uzumaki and Senju kept close ties, with members at times marrying between clans. Its either naruto finds members of his clan rebuilds it or the uzumaki are still alive. Despite its demise, fifteen years after the Fourth Shinobi World War the clan is once again active. Himawari Uzumaki is a cute little girl with dark blue hair and straight bangs, a direct descendant of the HyÅ«ga clan, a citizen of Konohagakure, a member of the Uzumaki clan from Naruto. She had red hair and fÅ«injutsu talents akin to the clan. It’s also believed that he is the forefather of Konoha’s fūinjutsu. The Uzumaki's skill with fūinjutsu earned them both respect and fear throughout the ninja world. Actualmente existen pocos miembros conocidos, pero en Konohagakure existen varios desciendes directos como la Quinta y Séptimo Hokage. He was extremely skilled in fūinjutsu and was unrivaled in the technique as it was shown in the anime that he was able to seal a beast within just a few moments. El Clan Uzumaki (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) fue un prominente clan de Uzushiogakure. 2 Uzumaki Clan: Karin The namesake of the series' main character, the Uzumaki clan was known for their sealing techniques and intense life forces. Eran parientes lejanos del Clan Senju y por lo tanto ambos clanes estaban en buenos términos, una alianza que se extendía a sus aldeas ocultas - Konohagakure y Uzushiogakure. The Uzumaki clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) was a prominent clan in Uzushiogakure. Category page. Members of the Uzumaki clan were very knowledgeable of fūinjutsu. You already know all about her if you’re a fan of the show because she’s one of the main characters and appears a lot of times! El Clan Uzumaki (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) fue un prominente clan de Uzushiogakure. The hero belongs to one of the strongest clans in the show, the Uzumaki Clan, and yet very little is known about it. No, google exist for these types of questions. Uzumaki Sealing Technique. So, those were each and every one of the members of the Uzumaki Clan that have appeared in the manga as well as in the anime show. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. After the Second Shinobi World War, and after his parents died, he met with Yahiko and Konan and trained under Jiraiya who thought him to be the reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths because of the Rinnegan he possessed. 11 Known Members of the Uzumaki Clan 11. As most members of his clan, his techniques revolved around the use of insects, especially the rinkaichu, a terrifyingly microscopic bunch of insects that resulted in unbearable agony to anyone infected. Edit. Uzumaki clan. Ashina Uzumaki was the first leader of the Uzumaki clan and now the only one existing and the Current Hokage is Naruto Uzumaki. With that being said, let’s begin our article! So, in this article, we will be listing down some of the known Uzumaki Clan members that you might already know; and if you don’t, then this is the time for you to brush up on your knowledge. 1 Background 2 Appearance 3 Abilities 4 Trivia 5 References In the anime, he and his clan met with Hashirama and the Senju clan in order to deal with a gigantic beast which was on the loose. The Uzumaki, being descendants of Asura Ōtsutsuki, also shared distant blood relation with the Senju clan. Being from the Uzumaki clan, she had huge chakra reserves, having an especially powerful and unique type of chakra, and was able to seal the entirety Kurama within herself to become the beast’s first Jinchuriki. 1 Clan Information 2 Recent Developments 3 Clan Abilities 4 Current Members The Uzumaki clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) was a prominent clan in Uzushiogakure. In this post, I'll be talking about all 9 Uzumaki clan members that we have seen thus far in the Boruto and Naruto series. She was very talented in the art of fuinjutsu and was even able to materialize Adamantine Sealing Chains which were strong enough to restrain Kurama and could even form a barrier with these chains keeping anyone from entering. Los Uzumaki poseen fuertes fuerzas vitales, que les otorgan una longevidad increíble. The best uzumaki clan fanfics. It doesn’t matter because now you know about them. Vitality:Uzumaki clan members tend to live very long lives, and they seem to age slower. 5.6K likes. Some time after the Fourth Great Ninja War, Hinata married Naruto Uzumaki and officially became a member of the Uzumaki clan. The Uzumaki Clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) is formerly a prominent clan in Noharagakure. Mito Uzumaki was a kunoichi who migrated to the Leaf Village from her village and married Hashirama Senju. ... 2 Uzumaki - Naruto. »ãç³»çµ±, Uzumaki Keitō) is the psychotic esteemed prophet that has reunited the Uzumaki Clan and restored Uzushiogakure becoming the Shodaime Shiokage. The anime character Honoka was hinted to be a member of the Uzumaki clan. Mukai Uzumaki I don’t think so! Minato Uzumaki (うずまきミナト Uzumaki Minato) is a shinobi of Konohagakure`s Uzumaki clan, a member of the Sarutobi, Nara, and Kazekage clans through his mother`s side of the family and a member of the Uzumaki clan through his father`s side of the family. However, she possessed red hair and was able to perform the sealing techniques that the Uzumaki Clan was known for, and her sealing technique could actually form chains to restrain her targets, which was much similar to Kushina’s Adamantine Sealing Chains technique. Image Of Free Uchiha Family Tree Download Free Clip Art Free Clip. Follow. Red hair was a common trait among the members of the Uzumaki clan. After they take it too far, something deep and primal awakens in Naruto as he turns from a sweet boy to a monster that the villagers pushed too far. Moreover, she’s got a strong sensory perception and she’s also quite intelligent as she is able to come up with strategies that contribute to the missions. Members of the Uzumaki Clan. But since she appeared in the anime and not in the manga, we decided to not include her in the list. 18 talking about this. As well as being a notorious sealing expert in the shinobi world. The Uzumaki, being descendants of Asura Ōtsutsuki, also shared distant blood relation with the Senju clan. Rated M for possible future courses. She would later join Sasuke in his quest to kill his brother. Since its disbandment, most of its known members reside in Konohagakure, with the Fifth and Seventh Hokage being direct descendants of the clan. Eran parientes lejanos del Clan Senju y por lo tanto ambos clanes estaban en buenos términos, una alianza que se extendía a sus aldeas ocultas - Konohagakure y Uzushiogakure. He has grown respect with the Toads of Mount Myōboku and learned their practices of Sage Mode. Not anymore. Konoha and the Uzumaki's own Uzushiogakure remained … A que edad se graduaron los ninjas de Naruto. El Clan Uzumaki es originario del la extinta Aldea de los Remolinos, actualmente existen pocos miembros vivos por lo que es un Clan en vía de extinción, los miembros más conocidos y relevantes de este clan son: 1- Naruto Uzumaki: Es hijo de Kushina Uzumaki y Minato Namikaze, aunque no es Uzumaki puro, proviene de este poderoso clan, Naruto posee gran cantidad de chakara gracias a su clan, es el Jinchuriki del Zorro de las nueve colas después de que este le fuera extraído a su madre casi instantáneamente en el parto de su hijo, Naruto Uzumaki es el séptimo hokage de Konoha; además es la reencarnación de Hashirama Senju que a su vez fue el sucesor de distintas reencarnaciones del alma de Ashura el hijo del Sabio de los Seis Caminos (Hogoromo Otsutsuki). This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Naruto Uzumaki (Clan leader) Minato Namikaze; Chikara Uzumaki; Taslona; Sakura Haruno (marriage) Ino Yamanaka (marriage) Hinata Hyuga (marriage) In this post, I'll be talking about all 9 Uzumaki clan members that we have seen thus far in the Boruto and Naruto series. Trivia. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Despite its demise, fifteen years after the Fourth Shinobi World War the clan is once again active. View and download this 1200x700 Uzumaki Clan image with 87 favorites, or browse the gallery. Do I really need to tell you anything about Naruto Uzumaki that you don’t already know? Finally there is Honoka, who also appeared in the anime but was never revealed to be an Uzumaki. Most of the red-heads in the Naruto series. That was the only explanation given for the clan members not showing up in the show. Taslona. She was originally from Kusagakure and later another unnamed village, but after the latter was destroyed she was taken in by Orochimaru, eventually becoming a loyal servant to him. 206 likes. Through the years, the Uzumaki and Senju kept close ties, with members at times marrying between clans. Uzumaki members - good at Sealing Jutsus(Fuinjutsu). Esta comunidad es exclusivamente de Naruto, espero que te guste :3 ¡Diviértete! Focus: General All Categories, Since: 12-28-17. Image Of I M From The Uzumaki Clan … She’s one of the Leaf Village’s Sannin along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, as well as world’s greatest medical ninja and she even became the Fifth Hokage which proves just how strong she is. Top 15: The Best Ecchi Anime to Watch This Year (2019 Updated). Overview Edit. Image Of Naruto Shippuden Uzumaki Clan Logo T Shirt. Using his prowess in fÅ«injutsu, the Uzumaki's leader was able to seal away the beast once it was cornered. Do let us know if you enjoyed reading the article, and leave your feedback in the comments section below! One case of the Uzumaki clan's longevity lived from before the founding of Konoha well into the term of the Third Hokage's reign. The Uzumaki Clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku) was a prominent clan in Uzushiogakure. Being the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki, she is part Uzumaki as well. Crimson Hair:After the destruction of their homeland, the clan's members became sparse, spread across the ninja world; the surviving members of the Uzumaki clan are born with vibrant red hair. Tsunade and Nawaki are descendants of the Uzumaki clan through their grandmother. As a child, Naruto was the scapegoat of everyone's problems, the Kyuubi attack, the Uchiha Clan Massacre, and many other things. :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: Sus increíbles habilidades, resistencia, dominio del chakara, Longevidad. Founder: Sexy Fox girl - Stories: 8 - Followers: 0 - id: 128908 This is a collection of what i belive are the best uzumaki clan fanfic. Uzumaki Sensory Ability - Members of the Uzumaki Clan are able to feel and discern Chakra signatures on a radius equal to how many meters they can see in front of them clearly. - El Clan Uzumaki parecía estar esparcido por el mundo shinobi, esa es la razón por la cuál miembros de este Clan cómo Karin y Nagato vivían en lugares diferentes a la Aldea de la Hoja - Sólo se conocen cinco miembros vivos de este Clan poderoso, Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Karin Uzumaki y Tsunade Senju Since its disbandment, most of its known members reside in Konohagakure. Uzumaki clan. Image Of Naruto Shippuden Uzumaki Clan Logo T Shirt. The Uzumaki's skill with fÅ«injutsu earned them both respect and fear throughout the ninja world. Here’s a clan family tree I made: Since Kaguya was defeated by her two sons, Hagoromo decided to stay on Earth — famed as the Sage of Six Paths. Following the founding of Konohagakure at the end of the Warring States Period, the Senju chose to symbolise their clans' friendship by adding the Uzumaki's emblem to Konoha's flak jackets. Matter because now you know about website saves cookies to your browser in to. Uzumaki 's leader was able to seal away the beast, but kept it until! Prowess in fÅ « injutsu, the Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga making her a descendant both... To not include her in charge of the Uzumaki, being descendants of Asura Ōtsutsuki, also shared blood... Release date Announced that he is the youngest of the Uzumaki clan are elite shinobi, mostly Jonin and.. Saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you content! Chakra reserves thread starter elevenTail ; Start date Oct 24, 2011 ; 1 ; 2 ; Next 2011. 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