
Ever try to listen to someone at a crowded networking event as they ramble on and on trying to sell you? Or grab the phone to discover it's yet another annoying solicitation? Or wade through an overflowing mail box of junk mailers, catalogues, and postcards? Sure, we all need new business. The question is how. My contention is that too many business owners and marketers make the mistake of aggressively, coldly and often annoyingly, chasing after business. They spend a big part of their their time cold calling, cold networking, or cold mailing. I say it's time to get out of the cold.

Magnetic Marketing is essentially the opposite of the things I describe above. Rather than coldly pitching prospects who aren't interested and may even be oblivious to your solicitation, the magnetic marketing approach deals with "magnetizing" your brand. It's about building up your own equity and credibility. Look at it this way: Cold mailing, calling, or networking is like being an autograph seeker -- chasing, chasing, chasing. Magnetic Marketing is about being the star. And getting your prospect to discover and seek you is always better than the other way around. So, let's look at a few ways you can begin building up your own magnetic attraction.

1) A great name, logo, business card and letterhead. They must quickly reinforce your brand. For example, when I hand out a business card people will literally stare at my card and begin a conversation. Why? Because when they look at my card, it looks back! The visual of excited eyes on my card has a magnetic effect and it reinforces my philosophy stated on the back: "If you want'em excited about your product, you'd better get'em excited about your advertising."

2) A great website. Never before has there been such an easy and powerful way for an entrepreneur to magnetize his business. If it's done right. So, for God's sake, be creative!

3) A simple brochure. Any promotional piece that gives a prospect information about your business is a magnet. It doesn't have to be fancy and it doesn't have to be expensive. It does have to be well-designed, well-written and professional.

4) Press. The simple logic is that if a publication thinks your business is special, it must be. Have reprints to show off. Invest a little time researching the publications which might find some aspect of your business interesting. Learn how to write a simple pitch letter or press release. And if you can, offer the reporter a sample of your product. Keep in mind that a reporter is only interested in a story that's relevant and interesting to her readers, so look at it from her perspective.

5) Write articles.If you're an authority in your field you should be able to find a number of publications (and websites) happy to share your expertise with their audience. Not only will articles reinforce your image an authority, the more you get published the more magnetic attraction you'll have. Always include your website address in the byline.

6) Talks.Speaking in public allows you to express your enthusiasm in a way you simply can't on paper. Do it successfully and you1ll magnetize your audience. Trade organizations are always putting together seminars and panels that probably include your area of expertise. Remember, when it comes to promoting your business, shyness is not a virtue.

7) Teach. Like being an author, being a teacher adds credibility especially if the school where you're teaching has a strong reputation.

8) A Newsletter. Depending on your business, a newsletter can be a very magnetic way of keeping your name in front of your prospects by offering them helpful tips. And with email it's so much easier. An associate of mine now has over 20,000 names worldwide who subscribe to his email newsletter. Now, he charges a subscription fee.

9) A Book. People want to work with experts. Being a published author adds major credibility and will open doors for other magnetizing opportunities like speaking, getting interviewed, writing articles and teaching. Getting published is no easy task, however. Get your feet wet by writing articles and see what happens. You also have the option of self-publishing if you can't find a publisher.

10) Awards. Awards are another yardstick of excellence and credibility. Despite the fact that some clients are cynical about awards, most will be impressed by them. So, if you're good enough to win any don't be shy about it. Without being arrogant about it use your awards to add magnetic power to all your promotional efforts by reinforcing the fact that you're the best -- and proud of it.

11) Good, visible work. This is the most powerful magnet since it creates word-of-mouth. But keep in mind, if your work is great and no one sees it, it'll have little impact. And by the same token, if your work is seen by the world, and it sucks, the visibility will have the exact opposite effect. Fight for ground breaking work and find clients that value that. It's the way new prospects will take note and seek you out.

12) Happy Clients. Need I say more?

I've learned these lessons from years of personal experience. I hope they inspire you to magnetize your business and attract all the business you desire.

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(For more specific marketing help, go to http://follisinc.com/therapy.htm)

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